About Us
James F. Rickley
Our purpose is:
- to express the ability to connect disparate information,
- to explore all the possibilities available,
- to view the future with enthusiasm,
- to produce insights into effectiveness, and
- to execute a clear vision.
Our Goal is:
The goal of WayWordBound is to assist people and organizations to realize their maximum potential by providing the highest quality materials and resources to assist in performance achieving growth.
Our Mission is:
Its mission is to have our clients express their CORE attributes.
- C - CAN - If you can see it, you can do it.
- O - OPTIONS - There will always be a pathway to success
- R - RISK - We will encourage and enable the exercise of our risk muscle.
- E - ENTHUSIASM - All things will be in the spirit of exciting creation.
Our Sequential Process is:
To develop through interaction a sequence that
- Embraces the EXPLORER in us,
- Utilizes the ARTIST to embolden the connections,
- Examines as the JUDGE to hone the vision, and
- To move forward with the conviction of the WARRIOR
- Facilitating
- School Improvement
- Curriculum Scope and Sequence
- Data Driven Instruction
- Training
- Formative Assessment Materials
- Clinical Supervision
- Evaluation Instruments
- Research
- Longitudinal Educational Assessment
- Descriptive Statistical Analysis
- High Level Presentation Reports
- Performance
- Computer Generated Manuscripts
- Hand Crafted Musica Grafica
- Conductor and Director
- Program and Developmental Planning
- Electronic Document Production
- Research Studies
- Statistical Analysis
- Research Studies
Who We Are
WayWordBound has experience working with small, rural and frontier schools for the past 50 years. It began its efforts in the northeastern area of Pennsylvania, spending then 11 years in the frontier areas of northern Nevada, rural Pennsylvania, the southern tier of New York State and now in the north-eastern and mid-section of Montana.
The company has also been at the heart of the grass-roots fine arts movement with a firm belief in the strength of local artist endeavors.
The company also has two other publishing branches known as Avanti Publications dealing with the avant garde aspect of the art/music world and Tonal Function which has a relationship with providing quality arrangements reflective of local needs and desires.